1. 使用寿命: 表示规格中规定的耐久试验次数. 在 IEC 规范中, the switching standard for high-frequency operation is 50,000 次, and the switching standard for low-frequency operation is 10,000 次.
2. working temperature: The temperature range in the switch can be used.
3. Anti-leakage index: The maximum withstand voltage value in which two electrodes are inserted into the test sample to drop 50 drops of the specified solution (ammonium chloride 0.1 [%]) between the electrodes without short-circuiting.
优力纬尔首页: A supplier and manufacturer of the limit switch
Unionwell是一家限位开关供应商和制造商,拥有十多年微动开关经验. 认识限流开关对行业发展的重要性, 我们将其视为必不可少的产品,并为使其更好地发挥作用做出了很大贡献.
在最近, 我们开发了一种新型限位开关. Its housing comprises high-temperature Bakelite, 高灵敏行程, 精确的操作重复性, 并延长机械寿命. 并将广泛应用于机床, 电梯, 汽车生产线, 欢迎来电咨询!.
Unionwell是一家专业生产微动开关的企业. The company currently has basic micro switches, miniature micro switches, 微型微动开关, 防水微动开关, 和其他产品.
想要查询更多的信息, 开关压力范围: https://www.unionwellswitch.com/.