
Параметры, которые вы должны знать о микропереключателе

1. Срок службы: указывает количество испытаний на выносливость, указанное в технических характеристиках. В спецификации IEC, the switching standard for high-frequency operation is...

The Waterproof Micro Switches

The waterproof micro switch is widely used in various cold, влажный, dust and harsh environments. It has the unique effect of being waterproof and moisture-proof. The waterproof...

Five Classifications Of Micro Switches

1. According to breaking capacity, есть обычный тип, Тип постоянного тока, current micro type, and high current type. 2. According to the operating environment, there are...

Circuit Codes Of Micro Switch

The micro switch is commonly used in various electrical appliances. It is widely applied in household appliances, автомобильная электроника, и промышленный контроль. The role is...

Precautions You Should Know About Micro Switches

The micro switch must strictly limit its use and storage methods as a precise switch. В противном случае, it will cause the microswitch to fail or be...

Micro Switch Determine The Quality

The micro switch's quality is mainly determined by the material, контакты, шрапнель, дизайн, так далее. Material analysis of micro switch1. ABS: DC socket low-grade engineering plastic, easy...

Применение микропереключателей в торговых автоматах

Micro Switch And Water Heater

Our customers often apply microswitches in automotive electronics, бытовая техника, and industrial fields as widely applicated switches. The following is the role of micro-switches in...