How Does The Micro Switch Work?
Micro switches are snap action switches widely applied in many places, например, бытовая техника, автомобильная электроника, and communications equipment. The external mechanical force acts on the action reed by the transmission element (by pin, кнопка, рычаг, ролик, и т.п.).
When the action reed is displaced to the critical point, an instantaneous action is generated so that the movable contact at the end of the action reed is touched. The point is quickly turned on or off. When the force on the transmission component is removed, язычок действия создает силу обратного действия.
When the reverse travel of the transmission element reaches the critical point of the action of the reed, обратное действие завершается мгновенно. The contact between the micro switch contacts has a short travel and a quick break. The speed of the moving contact is independent of the speed of the transmission element. The micro switch has a small contact spacing and a quick-acting mechanism.
The contact mechanism that performs the switching action with a prescribed journey and force is covered by the outer casing and has an external actuator and a small size.
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