Water Heater Micro Switch Working Principle

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Water Heater Micro Switch Working Principle

A mikro przełącznik is a pressure-driven fast switch called a sensitive switch. Its working principle is that external mechanical force acts on the action reed through the transmission element (push rod, przycisk, dźwignia, wałek, itp.). ) After accumulating energy to the critical point, an instantaneous action is generated so that the moving contact at the end of the action reed is quickly connected or disconnected with the fixed contact.

The mikro przełącznik of the gas podgrzewacz wody controls the start and ignition of the machine controller. When the water pressure reaches a certain level, the diaphragm inside will push the mikro przełącznik through the drive shaft to ignite the water heater. If the micro switch fails, the machine will not ignite.

Water Heater Micro Switch Working Principle

Working principle of water heater

Turn on the power-turn on the switch, and turn on the faucet. The water flow switch sends a signal- start the blower for cleaning- after a few seconds, the igniter starts to discharge, the gas solenoid valve opens-the flame is ignited-the faucet is closed-the water flows. The switch sends a signal-the gas solenoid valve is closed-the flame goes out. The injection of gas is called a fire row or burner, and the gas passing through is called a solenoid valve and distributor.

Water heater micro switch adjustment

There is a presser foot on the right side of the micro switch, and its initial pressure is significant. The location adjusted by the factory is often not suitable for the current situation at home and needs to be readjusted. When the press has just pressed the switch, it is adjusted to off. When opened, the pressure piece can be adjusted to the best position away from the switch. The inside can be adjusted with a Phillips screwdriver. The Phillips screwdriver is a safety valve for positive pressure gas water heaters. The factory adjusts the wind pressure switch port. W tym samym czasie, press the micro switch of the DC power supply to turn on the power and start the pulse igniter. The critical function of the air pressure switch is to ensure that the equipment can close the gas passage in time when the air exhaust is not smooth to ensure that the gas does not leak out, thereby protecting personal safety.

The main reasons for the failure of the wind pressure switch

① The gas pressure is too high. This situation will likely occur on gas water heaters that use liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas.

② The blockage of the fire hole of the main burner causes increased noise.

③The fluctuation of inlet water pressure and the change of outlet water flow resistance puts the main burner in the ignition and flameout state, which can also cause abnormal sound.

④The use of gas water heaters on high floors or low water pressure areas. Because of the low water pressure on high floors or low water pressure areas, gas water heaters are not easy to ignite, so users should avoid peak water consumption or install booster pumps when using them. Maintenance method: When the forced exhaust water heater fails to work, check whether it is the pulse controller or the wind pressure switch, and then find out the cause of the failure based on the judgment result.

Inspection steps

①Open the water inlet valve and observe whether the micro switch of the water and air valve is closed and connected and whether the fan is operating normally.

②If the micro switch and fan usually work, but the pulse igniter does not ignite, you can short-circuit the air pressure switch and try again. If the pulse igniter still does not ignite, it is a pulse ignition control problem.

Specification/pressure setting

  • Setting range: 10-1500pa
  • Opening pressure range: 25-1500pa
  • Closing pressure: 10 pa Min

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