

Guhestina mîkro waterproof çi ye?




Guhestina mîkro-avî bi standardek pola IP67 veguhezek mîkro ye. The mini switch can be operated with minimal force and a tiny actuator. We also named it a small switch.

A waterproof microswitch has a familiar feature, the microswitch, and it has perfect performance in the environment with water, such as automobiles, microwaves, bicycles, pileyên barkirinê, etc.

Unionwell offers an Ip67 waterproof grade micro switch, and the Ip67 waterproof grade is a global IP code standard. IP67 micro switch equipment is the most commonly found in the connectivity market. It is 100% protected against solid objects like dust and sand and has been tested to work for at least 30 minutes under 15cm to 1m of water.

Waterproof micro limit switch from China Unionwell Brand

Unionwell waterproof micro switch including G3, Unionwell, and G5W11 series, are sealed structures with high quality.

G3 subminiature micro switch parameters:


Lîsteya Berhemên Micro Guhestina Micro Switch Subminiature Series Unionwell G3 >>


Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê


0.1A-120/3A-10~30 çerx/min

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê

120 cycles / deqîqe

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê(nirxa destpêkê)

100mΩ Max (bê cure têl)

Berxwedana insulasyonê

li 500VDC,100MΩ Min.

Hêza Dielektrîkê

500VAC (50~ 60Hz)

Germahiya Storage


Storage Humidity

85%RH Max

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê


Min. 100,000/cycles(Bi beşa NO ve girêdayî ye.)

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê

Min.500,000 / çerx



G9 waterproof micro switch parameters:


Unionwell G9 Series Sealed Micro Switch Products List >>


Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê


10~ 30cycles/minute

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê

120cycles / deqîqe

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê(Serkêşî)

100mΩMax/It depends on the wire length for the type of wire

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê (li 500VDC)

100M Ω Min

Hêza Dielektrîkê

AC1,000V RMS (50~ 60Hz)

Germahiya Storage


Storage Humidity

85%RH Max

Life Service


10,000çerxên / Li ser beşa No.

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê



G5W11 sealed waterproof micro switch parameters:

Unionwell G5W11 Series Waterproof Micro Switch Product List >>

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê


10~30 times/min

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê

60 car/min

Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê(nirxa destpêkê)

with terminal


with wire

100mΩ Max(Bi dirêjahiya têl ve girêdayî ye)

Berxwedana insulasyonê

li 500VDC,100MΩ Min.

Hêza Dielektrîkê

Di navbera termînalan de

AC 1000V 50-60Hz 1min

Between terminals and housing

AC 1500V 50-60Hz 1min

Germahiya Storage


Storage Humidity

85%RH Max

Protection grade

With terminal

IEC IP67(Termînalê ne tê de)

With wire


Electric-shock safeguard grade

Class II



2çerxên E4~10E4(depends on P/NS)


ser 500,000 cycles, 1,000,000cycles(60Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê)

Mekanîkî ≥ 10,000,000 cycles an 1,000,000cycles

Nêzîkî 7 g(bi termînalê û bê lever)


Di vê navberê de, the switches are widely used in household appliances and industrial equipment such as auto parts, klîma, humidifiers, timers, pushrods, toys, etc. As shown in the following pictures, the G5W11 series waterproof micro limit switch is widely used inside the ice maker. We have plenty of customers who choose Unionwell G5W11series waterproof microswitch from all over the world.

We will provide the samples to you before placing an order; welcome to contact us to get more detail.

The waterproof micro switch certification system

Unionwell waterproof micro switch has ENEC, CQC, UL, CUL certificates, long service life, and waterproof dustproof approval.

ENEC is the high-quality European Mark for electrical products that demonstrates compliance with European standards (EN);

UL means the product meets the standards of Underwriters Laboratories, a private safety testing organization;

cUL mark applies to products intended for the Canadian market-tested.


Why choose unionwell China waterproof micro switch supplier?

Unionwell waterproof micro switches are IP67 microswitch, a micro switch with a wholly sealed enclosure.

Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Electronics Co., Ltd specializes in quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. Berhemên sereke guheztinên mîkro bingehîn hene, switches waterproof, guheztinên zexta hewayê, switches Klavyeya mekanîk, kincên derî, etc.

Ji bo garantiya çêtir li ser bihayê, dema pêkhatinê, û kontrola kalîteyê, em Huizhou Greetech Electronics Co., Ltd li 2021. We made it our China production base with over 1000 karmend û 260 mîlyon perçe / kapasîteya hilberînê ya salê.

Huizhou Greetech is an Guhestina Zexta Hewayê, Guhestina Zexta Hewayê û Guhestina Zexta Hewayê certified micro switch manufacturer whose complete series of products have been granted global access permit certifications, including ENEC, UL, CE, CB, etc.

Most of our business partners/end customers are Global 500 pargîdaniyan, including world-famous home appliance brands and leading automotive suppliers in North America and Europe.

Shortly, we are launching a new industrial base li Longmen, Unionwell, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene; alavên otomasyonê dê bêne destnîşan kirin, ku dê kapasîteya hilberîna veguherînê bi girseyî çêtir bike 260 million pieces to ser 1.3 milyar perçe / sal.

Mekanîkî ≥ 10,000,000 cycles an 1,000,000cycles one-stop system dê pêşveçûna hilberê bigire, qalibandina rast, şilkirina derzîlêdanê, morkirina rast, alavên otomatîk R&Taybetmendiyên Microswitches Sembola Bişkojka Bişkojkê, komkirin, û ceribandin.

Tîma firotanê ya profesyonel amade ye ku ji daxwazên xêzkirina 3D re arîkarî û bersivek bilez peyda bike, quotes bihayê, û gihîştina bernameyek nimûneyek têr a ku destûrê dide endezyaran ku ji bo serîlêdanên hilberên xwe yên dawîn guhezbaran ceribandin û qayîl bikin.

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