Cureyên Sembola Guhestina Zextê

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Cureyên Sembola Guhestina Zextê

High-Pressure Switch Symbol

The high-pressure switch symbol is one of the pressure switches. The pressure switch is a high-pressure switch and a low-pressure switch. Now we will learn about the high-pressure switch.

What Is A High-Pressure Switch

A high-pressure switch is a discrete sensor that, rising pressure, can run the switch to open or close. The specified pressure setpoint varies with different devices.

difirin, A high-pressure switch has two circuits connect types: NA (Bi gelemperî vekirî) high-pressure switch and NC(Bi gelemperî Girtî) pressure switch.

High-Pressure Switch Symbol

Symbol A from the image is an NC switch in the following pictures. When the pressure rises, it will cause the switch to open. This symbol A is an NC high-pressure switch symbol. Symbol A shows the lever above the contact terminals. If the pressure is too high to above the specified setpoints, the switch will open and shut off the pump, adding pressure to the system.

Symbol C from the image is an NO switch. When the pressure rises, it will cause the switch to closed. The symbol C is a NO high-pressure switch symbol. Symbol C shows the lever above the contact terminals. If the pressure drops to the setpoint, the switch will close, and the compressor tank will add pressure to the system, so the high switch will be applied in the compressor tank to maintain the pressure inside.

Low-Pressure Switch

A low-pressure switch is a small device that will open or close a circuit of the system only

when the pressure value drops to a mini setpoint pressure. The low-pressure switch is one of the pressure switches. You may widely use it in the pressure safety system.

Low-Pressure Switch Symbol

The low-pressure switch can be divided into NO(Bi gelemperî vekirî) low-pressure and NC(Bi gelemperî Girtî) low-pressure switches. The symbol of the low-pressure switch also is different from another.

Symbol B from the image is an NC pressure switch. In symbol B, you can see that the switch lever is below the contact terminal. The low-pressure switch is widely used to monitor the oil pressure. If the oil pressure drops to a safe pressure lever, the switch will change to the open state, and the system will stop running. This is a whole running process of a low-pressure switch!

Symbol D from the image is a NO pressure switch. A low-pressure switch usually lets the switch arm below the contact terminal from the pictures. When the pressure rises to a high-pressure lever, the switch will close the circuit and widely appears in the motor starting!

So the high-pressure switch lets the switch arm lever above the contact terminals, but the low-pressure switch lets the arm below the contact terminals. The two kinds of pressure switches have NO types and NC types.

Global Electrical Pressure Switch Symbols Standard

Reference the industry standard, here are the following standard regarding electrical pressure symbols:

  • IEC 60617 (also known as British Standard BS 3939).
  • NFPA / JIC. Also adopted by the NMTBA (National Machine Tool Builders Association).
  • ANSI Y32.2-1975 (also known as IEEE Std 315-1975).
  • IEEE Std 91.

You can also learn more knowledge about different global standards on Wikipedia.

Learn more about Symbol Switch Sînora.

Order Air Pressure Switches Product

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Nirxa bingehîn:

Armanc, Berpisîyarî, Liberhevxistini, Nûkirinî

Berxwedanî, Pêşveçûnî, Vebûn, Linavketinî

Mîsyona me:

Em mecbûr in ku têkiliyên demdirêj ên ku ceribandina demê radiwestin biparêzin.

Dîtina me:

Ji bo ku bibin hilberînerek gerdûnî ya çîna yekem a hêman û modulên rast.

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