Micro Switches For Car Door Locks

Micro Switches For Car Door Locks

Micro Switches For Car Door Locks

Unionwell micro switches for car door locks appear in auto manufacturing or industries, Such as charging guns, motor control systems for new energy vehicles, car door locks, car seats, and other auto parts.

What is a unionwell micro switch for car door locks?

The car door micro switch usually refers to the microswitch installed on the car door. It is a kind of door-lock switch used to sense or detect whether the car door, child lock, and central control are locked in place. Its working principle is to respond when the car door is closed. The micro switch’s mechanical parts will touch the micro switch’s operating handle.

When people press the operating handle, the action will turn on the circuit, and then a message will be transmitted to the instrument for display.

If the auto door is not closed correctly, it must be pressed due to the structure design calculation. Under the stroke, the circuit of the micro switch will be turned off, and the message displayed on the instrument will show a warning prompt that the door has not been closed.

Due to the frequent opening and closing of the door, it is inevitable to get wet when traveling on rainy days. Ji ber vê yekê, the micro switch used in the door needs to have a waterproof function and have the characteristics of a long life.

The automotive door switches are detection switches. Many people mistakenly think the door lock is a micro switch, which is incorrect. The micro switch is an electronic switch that detects whether the car door lock is closed.

If the automotive door lock switch is broken, there will be some severe consequences:

  1. If the door is not closed, there will be no alarm.
  2. The most serious one is this one, the anti-theft function is invalid. If someone opens this door illegally, no alarm will be issued!
  3. After removing the key and getting off the car, there will be no alarm sound if the headlights or turn signals are not turned off.
  4. After opening the door remotely, pull the door. If you put the key on the car when you come out and close the door, the door will be automatically locked at this time, and the anti-theft function will be turned on, which is very inconvenient for us to travel.
  5. The oil pump has no preparatory work and isn’t easy to start!

Common faults and troubleshooting of car door locks are:

  1. Don’t lock the auto door;
  2. Don’t unlock the auto;
  3. The locking function is invalid;
  4. The door lock has a large opening force;
  5. Large opening stroke of the door lock;
  6. Analysis of the cause of collision lock.

Don’t lock the auto door.

The common reason is that the internal and external opening structure pre-tensions the lock block, which makes the lock bolt and block unable to engage normally, and the door lock cannot be locked.

Di vê demê de, the related size of the internal and external opening mechanism can be lengthened to eliminate the fault.

Don’t unlock the auto.

This situation is the opposite of the inability to lock normally. The common reason is that the connection size is large, Only making it smaller to solve the problem.

This problem will also occur when the lock block’s engagement is significant. Di vê rewşê de, change the arrangement.

When the micro switch of the door lock is broken, how do we replace it?

There are two solutions, one is to find a 4S shop for repair and replacement, and the other is to change the micro switch by yourself manually. If you buy a micro switch yourself, you must purchase one with a waterproof IP67 function, pick the suitable micro switch, and pay attention to the rating, size, voltage, etc.

Our Unionwell micro switch factory recently developed a 79# handle G303 micro switch for car door locks. A set of car door locks uses two G303 door micro switches. The micro switch conversion information is transmitted to the car light control system by applying the oblique knob push.

The advantages of the G303 series door micro switch:

  1. Smooth hand feeling
  2. Sensitive conversion
  3. High stroke accuracy
  4. 100,000 cycles of electrical life
  5. Tested by customers
  6. Have been mass-produced.

The features of the G303 waterproof IP67 micro switch

The G303 IP67 micro switch has a small compact size, is easy to install, has a long life, has a compact structure, and is highly reliable.

The operating temperature range from – 40 ℃ to 85 ℃. It can be equipped with various terminals and used for oblique push.

The G303 series door micro switch has passed UL, ENEC, and CQC certifications and is widely used in the automotive industry, especially for car door locks and light controllers.

Unionwell: A micro switch China factory/supplier/manufacturer

As a professional supplier of snap-action switches, Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Electronics Co., Ltd. has 20+ years of OEM experience for the world’s top brands. We are looking forward to changing and designing products.

Unionwell’s snap-action switch meets the IP67 waterproof grade, is waterproof and dustproof, and can be equipped with different levers according to customer requirements. The snap-action switch is a compact electrical component that requires strict manufacturing requirements.

Unionwell micro switch manufacturer specializes in quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. Berhemên sereke guheztinên mîkro bingehîn hene, switches waterproof, guheztinên zexta hewayê, switches Klavyeya mekanîk, kincên derî, etc.

Ji bo garantiya çêtir li ser bihayê, dema pêkhatinê, û kontrola kalîteyê, we acquired Huizhou Greetech Electronics Co., Ltd in 2021. Me ew bi ser de kir bingeha hilberîna xwe ya Chinaînê 1000 karmend û 260 mîlyon perçe / kapasîteya hilberînê ya salê.

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Shortly, em li Longmen bingehek pîşesazî ya nû didin destpêkirin, Unionwell, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene; alavên otomasyonê dê bêne destnîşan kirin, ku dê kapasîteya hilberîna veguherînê bi girseyî çêtir bike 260 mîlyon perçe li ser 1.3 milyar perçe / sal.

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