Micro Switch Determine The Quality
The micro switch’s quality is mainly determined by the material, têkilî, shrapnel, mînakkirin, etc.
Material analysis of micro switch
1. ABS: DC socket low-grade engineering plastic, easy to change colour, low strength.
2. PC material: strong impact resistance, strong heat resistance, high transparency.
3. Electric jade powder: flame retardant, never change colour, never wear, strong thermochemistry.
Microswitch contact
1. Sterling silver: low resistance, soft texture, low melting point, easy to oxidize, easy to produce arc, burn out wire or switch element, waterproof light touch switch causes poor power supply.
2. Silver alloy: low resistance, wear-resistant texture, high melting point, oxidation resistance, and all-around performance superior to pure silver.
Micro switch shrapnel
1. Brass: its quality is complex, its elasticity is weak, its conductivity is medium, and it is bright yellow.
2. difirin: complex, good elasticity, medium conductivity.
3. Red copper: slightly soft, good elasticity, high conductivity, purple-red.
Unionwell: various microswitches choices
Unionwell dabînker û çêkerê guhêzbarên sînor e ku xwedan zêdetirî deh salan ezmûna guheztina mîkro ye. Realizing the importance of limiting switch to industry development, em wê wekî hilberek bingehîn digirin û gelek tevkariyê dikin da ku ew çêtir bixebite. Di demên dawî de, me guhertoyek sînorê modela nû pêşxistiye. Unionwell is an enterprise that provides high-quality micro switches on the market.
Unionwell has produced the basic micro switches, switches mîkro waterproof, and subminiature micro switches. Our customers widely apply them in various fields.
For more information about the microswitch, keyboard micro switch, mifteya mîkro binavkirî, and basic micro switch, ji kerema xwe biçin malpera me: https://www.unionwellswitch.com/.