Limit switch: Yekem, we must understand what it means, how it is operated, and its application. As seen from Wiki, the limit switch is a kind of switch operated by the motion of a machine part or the presence of an object. It is an electromechanical device that consists of an actuator mechanically linked to a set of contacts. This switch is Varied from other micro switches. The sizeable primary limit switch has stricter raw materials and making process requirements.
What is worth mentioning, a limit switch is closely connected with industry development, whether the heavy equipment, machine tools, or even facility. The limit switch starts or off for the machine under high temperature as a controller. Wiha, the limit switch manufacturer should have a whole micro switch experience.
Unionwell is a supplier and manufacturer of the limit switch with more than ten years of micro switch experience. Realizing the importance of limiting switch to industry development, em wê wekî hilberek bingehîn digirin û gelek tevkariyê dikin da ku ew çêtir bixebite. Di demên dawî de, me guhertoyek sînorê modela nû pêşxistiye. Its housing comprises high-temperature Bakelite, high sensitive travel, precise operation repeatability, and prolonged mechanical life. Û ew ê di amûrên makîneyê de bi berfirehî were sepandin, asansorên, xetên hilberîna oto, etc.
Ger hûn eleqe nîşanî vê guheztina sînorê nû bidin, Em dixwazin bersiva her pirsan li ser guheztina mîkro bidin. Em jî xêrhatina we dikin ku hûn ji bo bêtir agahdarî têkevin malpera me: https://www.unionwellswitch.com/ an jî rasterast li ser vê e-nameyê ji me re bişînin: marketing@unionwellswitch.com.