Terminology Of Micro Switch
Rating: Giştîve, the value as a guarantee reference for switching characteristics and performance, such as rated current, rated voltage, etc., is based on specific conditions. Contact form: Electrical...
Unionwell, çêkerek mifteya mîkro ya profesyonel, armanc dike ku li çaraliyê cîhanê xizmeta hevkar û xerîdaran bike.
Unionwell. 9 Park Avenue, Parka Veguheztina Pîşesazî ya Huizhou, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, 516800, Unionwell
Rating: Giştîve, the value as a guarantee reference for switching characteristics and performance, such as rated current, rated voltage, etc., is based on specific conditions. Contact form: Electrical...
1. Service life: indicates the number of times endurance tests specified in the specifications. In the IEC specification, the switching standard for high-frequency operation is...
The micro switch is commonly used in various electrical appliances. It is widely applied in household appliances, elektronîk automotive, û kontrola pîşesaziyê. The role is...
The water temperature rises when the electric kettle is energized to generate heat. After the water boils, the kettle automatically cuts off power to save...
Microswitches are widely applied in home appliances, wek sarinc, washing machines, firaqşûştinê, etc. But the microswitch is also applied in the Dehumidifier. The principle is...
Bi pêşveçûna domdar a hişmendiya ewlehiyê û pêşkeftina pîşesaziyê, daxwazên bilindtir li ser performansa ewlehiyê ya alavên sarincê têne ferz kirin (yên wisa...
As a branch of a micro switch, a waterproof micro switch is widely used in more harsh environments because of its waterproof and dustproof design,...
Unionwell has recently developed a series of explosion-proof refrigerator switches.The switch is installed inside the refrigerator. After the refrigerator door is closed, the contacts in...