4 Gavên Ji bo Hilbijartina Guhestina Rast

4 Gavên Ji bo Hilbijartina Guhestina Rast

4 Gavên Ji bo Hilbijartina Guhestina Rast

Lîsteya Berhemên Micro Guhestina Micro Switch Subminiature Series Unionwell G3 >>

Gav 1: Know your electrical requirements. A microswitch typically breaks current from 5mA/5VDC to 25A/250VAC. The snap action switch product line offers a range of products from low energy to power load electrical for various applications.

Gav 2: Consider environmental conditions Environmental requirements significantly impact the choice of a subminiature micro switch, especially in applications requiring high reliability and critical applications such as industrial control and medical equipment. Understand the environmental conditions of the application, including the contaminants that may enter the switch in the air, the liquid in which the button is located, and the operating temperature requirements.

Gav 3: Understand how the external dimensions of the switch affect other characteristics. The size is essential when choosing a micro switch. Switch size is directly related to its features, including current range, travel, and operating force.

Gav 4: Clarify the working life requirements. The reliability of the switch is critical. You need to know how many applications require electrical and mechanical operating lives. Different switches have different contact materials, housings, and terminals to meet various applications’ electrical and mechanical life requirements.

Why choose the Unionwell miniature micro switch manufacturer?

Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Electronics Co., Ltd specializes in producing quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. Berhemên sereke guheztinên mîkro bingehîn hene, switches waterproof, guheztinên zexta hewayê, switches Klavyeya mekanîk, û kincên derî.

Ji bo bihayê çêtir, dema pêkhatinê, û garantiya kontrolkirina kalîteyê, we acquired Huizhou Greetech Electronics Co., Ltd in 2021. Me ew bi ser de kir bingeha hilberîna xwe ya Chinaînê 500 karmend û a 250 mîlyon perçe / kapasîteya hilberînê ya salê.

With the subsidiary sales branch Guangzhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Technology Co., Ltd founded, gihîştina me ya gerdûnî Amerîkaya Bakur digire, ewropa, asya, û Amerîkaya Başûr.

Piraniya hevkarên karsaziya me / xerîdarên paşîn Global in 500 pargîdaniyan, di nav wan de marqeyên amûrên malê yên navdar ên cîhanê û pêşkêşkerên pêşeng ên otomotîvê yên li Amerîkaya Bakur û Ewropayê.

We are launching a new industrial base at Longmen, Unionwell, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, which will work as Unionwell headquarters. Automation equipment will be introduced, massively improving the switch production capacity from 250 mîlyon perçe li ser 1.3 milyar perçe / sal.

Ji bo bêtir guheztinên mîkro, ji kerema xwe biçin malpera me ya fermî.


E-nameyek bişînin: Unionwell

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