La certification IATF est importante pour le micro-interrupteur

La certification IATF est importante pour le micro-interrupteur

La certification IATF est importante pour le micro-interrupteur

Tu peux demander: “Is this important? En tant que concepteur d'applications automobiles, qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour nous? Why should I care about IATF 16949 attestation?” IATF 16949 is an international standard for quality management. In terms of continuous improvement, prevention of defects, and reduction of variation and waste in the automotive supply chain, any factory that meets this standard can default to its commitment to the highest standards.

The Nature Of Switch Life

Switch life functions several variables in switch design, fabrication, and end-use. A change of any one of these variables can alter the life of the switch. For this reason, a switch life figure has meaning only if it is accompanied by a statement of the conditions under which it applies.

The application variables that have the most significant effect on switch life are circuit parameters, actuation, the environment, and the failure criteria. toutefois, switch life is not constant under a combination of these conditions. Ten switches of the same kind, tested as nearly identically as possible, are likely to have ten different life figures with a fair spread between highest and lowest. This is because subtle variations in the switch and test conditions significantly affect switch life. When thinking of practical switch life under a given set of conditions, it is best to visualize it as a frequency distribution. If one figure represents the life of the switch at these conditions, the figure should be chosen with the distribution in mind.

Snap-acting switches are manufactured with close control of materials, dimensions, and adjustments. For good switch life, it remains up to the end-user to select the correct switch and apply it properly regarding electrical, mécanique, and environmental factors that affect its life. Just as other components do, switches wear out. toutefois, “failure” of the switch may be subtle, such as a minor drift of the operating point or a reduction in the insulation resistance that renders the switch unfit for further use in a specific application. Failures of this kind must be defined for the particular end use where specific characteristics of the switch are essential. There are more apparent modes of switch failure that can affect a wider variety of applications.

Unionwell meets the requirements of the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) 16949 standard and has relevant certificates. Based on ISO/TS 16949 (one of the most widely used international standards for quality management in the automotive industry), IATF 16949 replaced ISO/TS 16949 as the new global industry standard. It means that when you use products produced in factories that meet the IATF 16949 standard, you can rest assured because they guarantee high quality and performance. These are the two pillars of our switch.

Unionwell has been committed to providing high-quality products and processes to customers and partners in the global automotive industry. For more details, feel free to contact us:

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