Basic Micro Switches And Applications
The switch is an electronic component that we often use in practical life. Some mobile phone switches, induction cooker switches, remote switches, jne., are similar. Samaan aikaan, some are different in terms of their working principle.
Tällä hetkellä, the most common use is a micro switch for its application in all electronic products, auto control systems & kodinkoneet. Science and technology are moving forward; all electronic products are updated rapidly for this change. The new functions have become the shining points to attract customers.
A slimmer and better design is the new development trend of electronic products. Micro switch as the essential component for this electronic product has to follow the change. Since its wide application in automobile control systems and household appliances, more micro switch manufacturers and factories have started to pay attention to this market.
The G5 series basic micro switch developed and produced by unionwell is Widely applicated in home appliances, elektroniset laitteet, automatic machines, viestintälaitteet, sähköauto, laitteet ja instrumentit, power tool, jne.
-Tiukka kokoonpano, Pieni kontaktiväli, Snap Action
-Pitkä elämä, Korkea luotettavuus
-Maailmanlaajuiset turvallisuushyväksynnät
-Erilaisia terminaaleja
-Laaja käyttövoima (7gf-600gf)
-Laaja lämpötila-alue(-40℃~+150℃),200℃ Optional
-Valinnaisella PTI-laadulla(175v,250v,600v)
-Erilaisia vipuja
Unionwell has set up a complete R&D and production system. Many famous home appliances brands use the micro switch; miniature micro switches are our end customers; for more information, käy