Parameters You Should Know About Micro Switch
1. Service life: indicates the number of times endurance tests specified in the specifications. In the IEC specification, the switching standard for high-frequency operation is 50,000 times, and the switching standard for low-frequency operation is 10,000 times.
2. working temperature: The temperature range in the switch can be used.
3. Anti-leakage index: The maximum withstand voltage value in which two electrodes are inserted into the test sample to drop 50 drops of the specified solution (ammonium chloride 0.1 [%]) between the electrodes without short-circuiting.
Unionwell: A supplier and manufacturer of the limit switch
Unionwell is a supplier and manufacturer of the limit switch with more than ten years of micro switch experience. Realizing the importance of limiting switch to industry development, we take it as an essential product and contribute a lot to make it work better.
In the recent, we have developed a new model limit switch. Its housing comprises high-temperature Bakelite, high sensitive travel, precise operation repeatability, and prolonged mechanical life. And it will be widely applied in machine tools, elevators, auto production lines, Η εντολή διπλής ρίψης διπλού πόλου διαθέτει διάφορα χαρακτηριστικά λόγω των πολυάριθμων μεθόδων καλωδίων του A'.
Unionwell is an enterprise specializing in the production of micro switches. The company currently has basic micro switches, miniature micro switches, μικροδιακόπτες, αδιάβροχοι μικροδιακόπτες, and other products.
For more information, επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας: πρέπει να εξετάσουμε σοβαρά το περιβάλλον εργασίας του μικροδιακόπτη://