
Luftdruckschalter für Gas-Warmwasserbereiter Anwendung

Micro Switch And Water Heater

Our customers often apply microswitches in automotive electronics, Türmikroschalter in UV-Sterilisationsschränken, and industrial fields as widely applicated switches. The following is the role of micro-switches in...

Unterschiede zwischen Mikroschalter und Membranschalter

 Arbeitsprinzipien: The micro switch is a switch that can be turned on by gently pressing the switch button when in use and turned off when...

Standard Codes And Meanings Of Micro Switch

Free-position drives the lever position when no external force is applied to the operating position. The position of the driving rod when the driving rod receives...

Common Codes And Meanings Of Micro Switch

Als professioneller Hersteller von Mikroschaltern, unionwell has collected the following technical codes and meanings in the micro switch industry so that everyone can...

You Should Know Before Operating Micro Switch

Before you purchase a micro switch and operate the micro switches, you should know these micro switch knowledge: Schritte zum Ersetzen des Mikroschalters in der Maus, During the installation process, do not bend...

Mechanical Life Span Of Micro Switch

Ein Mikroschalter, auch bekannt als Miniatur-Schnappschalter, ist eine Art von Tastern, die in der Automobilindustrie weit verbreitet sind, industrial and medical...

Developed ATEX Proof Refrigerator Door Switches

Innovation is the primary driving force for development! Warm congratulations to Unionwell Electronics for taking the first step in the core supply chain of refrigeration...